Today we’re talking to Jennelle L. White, the author of GROWING UP, POETRY & EASIEST SHORT/LONG TERM PLAN FOR SAVING MONEY.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
I was born on Lackland Air Force Base Hospital in San Antonio, TX. Both of my parents were in the Air Force. Eventually, I was relocated to Owingsville KY (a small town) and was raised by my grandparents. I am a RN (Registered Nurse – in the behavioral health area) for 30 years. I also have Diplomas from Correspondence Schools in Wildlife & Forestry Conservation, Parapsychology, and am a Animal Care Specialist. Also, I became a Medical Assistant later on in life due to having had a back injury but was still able to continue my career in Nursing. I was elected for Who’s Who in American Nursing. I enjoy hiking, travel, reading books, writing and I love animals.
How and when did you become a writer?
I started out with writing in junior high school when my teacher had our class to create a poetry book listing some of our most favorite children’s poems or other types of poetry and we had to include with this class project two poems that we make up ourselves. I have always loved poetry as I always enjoyed reading the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. I made an A, 100% on my poetry book and my teacher asked if I did not want the book that she would like to keep it. I told her “no” that since I had put so much work into creating it that I wanted to keep it. I still have my poetry book I made for my class project.
I became a writer later on in my life. It is really something that just happened. I had two subjects that I wanted to write about and make them into a book which are my books listed above. I plan on doing 2-3 more books later on. I’m in the process of promoting my first two books listed above. Eventually, I would like to have my writing as a source of income but for now it is my hobby.
What genre do you write?
Basically, children’s poetry and other poems and self-help books. Also, I would like to write about a scary story that is based on true events.
How would you describe your writing style?
Basically, I like to write at night and usually I tend to get ideals for my children’s poems from when I take walks in the parks. Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes were an inspiration for me to begin writing children’s poetry. I feel my poems are unique. I tend to like poems that rhyme.
What makes you different from other writers?
I tend to and like to write about things I’ve experienced out in the environment in regards to my poetry. The ideal for my money savings plan book came from a question I posed to myself and others. I asked “how can I still save money in a more easier way while paying on my bill/debts at the same time?” I actually got my answer from my dream at night and got up and wrote down the solution to my question, thus creating my book on this subject.
I am really not sure if I am that different from other writers.
Who inspires you?
There have been several people who have inspired me along the way. I really love books that are self-help. I have learned a lot from these books. I love Jim Henson, creator and author of The Muppets, writers of the Super Heros such as Superman, Bat man etc and the author of The Archies. Also, Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret.
What are you most proud of?
Both of my books have received High ratings plus awards from book contests. Easiest Short/Long Term Plan For Saving Money was given a 5-STAR RATING and is the 2011 Finalist Winner from Growing Up, Poetry received a 4-STAR RATING from Readers and received Honorable Mention at the Green Book Festival.