Author Interview with Jennelle L. White

Blue Ink Review professional reviews of independently published books
February 14, 2018
Readers’ Favorite Book Review
February 28, 2018

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What books would you like to read again?

Green Eggs & Ham,  poetry books, romance novels, and different types of self-help books. Also, all Walt Disney books, Sesame Street, and The Muppets books.  Marvel superhero comics and The Archies.

Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version? Not sure?  I really enjoyed and liked the movie version of Bridge to Terabithia,  and The Never Ending Story.  Also, Jurrasic Park and movies about Stephen King’s books.

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?

The Archies –  paperback

The Dogmen/”Werewolf” Encounters – North America. – paperback

Who designed the cover of your book?

I designed the covers of both of my books.

Do you find yourself intrigued by the cover of a book enough to buy it? 

Yes, definitely.  Especially, the romance novels.

Do you have any advice for other writers starting out?

Write from your heart, what you are passionate about.

Do you write under a pen name?   No.

Do you ever write in your PJ’s?  Yes,  sometimes.

What are your pet peeves?  My biggest pet peeves are the abuse of farm animals and littering, polluting the Earth.

No one,  not even animals deserve to be abused.  I pray for the abuse of animals to STOP.

You are trapped on a tropical island – who would you like to be stranded with?

Other than my best friend, David W,  I would not mind at all being stranded with Michael Praed.

Pick one – Wine, Chocolate or shoes?   Hands down, Chocolate.

Cats or dogs?  Both, I love animals.

Tell us about someone or something that just made your day –

My best friend, when he takes me out for dinner at a restaurant of my choice for my birthday. When Actor, Mr. Tom Atkins had them call me overhead at the Scarefest to come and p/u my camera as left it near his booth and the fact that he knew my name and put it in a safe place until I could go back to retrieve it.  He is an awesome Actor and very nice.

What is your favorite food and beverage? Favorite Food – Pasta, Salads, Pizza, potatoes, corn, Chilli, and Soft Tacos.

Favorite Beverage – Iced Tea, Pepsi, Coke Cola, Milk Egg Nog, Decaf coffee & Orange Juice.

How many hours per day do you try to devote to research and writing? In the beginning, I just wrote down my thoughts on paper as they came to me.  If I am writing

poetry, I would say about 1-2 hours per month, not too often.  My ideals with poetry come for me whenever I am walking in the parks.

What are 3 things you never leave home without (apart from keys, money, and phone)? My umbrella, flashlight, my favorite music CDs, and bags to carry things.  I love pretty bags.

Sleep in or get up early? I work nightshift, so I really don’ t sleep in at night and I do not like to get up early, mostly because of the shift I work on.

Laptop or desktop for writing?  I write on paper but if I could choose, I’d prefer a Laptop.

Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?  I prefer to do my writing at night and when I go to the parks during daytime hours.

Your thoughts on receiving book reviews – the good and the bad –  Book reviews can be tricky sometimes but I tend to think that everyone has an opinion and when you are putting yourself out there you may get either good reviews or bad reviews. I always hope to receive good reviews.  Sometimes, I wonder if one gets a bad review is it because that person is jealous because they did not come up with the idea first or just being sarcastic.  You go into this realizing that maybe not everyone is going to like your work.  As an author, we all hope to receive good reviews for our books.

Do you have a bucket list?   Yes, I want to go camping, fly a helicopter, travel, and go see Jerusalem – where Jesus lived.  Also, take care of baby animals.

One of your favorite quotes –   One of my favorite quotes is from Star Wars where Yoda tells Luke SkyWalker – “Do or Do Not, There is No Try.”

List 3 of your favorite movies? The Muppet Movie – rainbow connection. Superman. Bridge to Terabithia

What is a movie or TV show that you watched just recently and really enjoyed? There have been several such as Terror in The Woods, Riverdale, Supergirl, and I enjoyed the movie “Wonder Woman”

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